Disgusted with American society, middle-aged Frank and teenage Roxy begin killing reality TV stars, bigots and others they find repugnant.
When you first start off watching this movie, God Bless America, you feel a bit sadistic. Then as you go along, you feel in tune with the leads of this film just as you felt for Michael Douglas in Falling Down. This movie follows the story of a man (Joel Murray) who has become bitter with the worlds rudeness and idiotic ways of entertainment (in his view) and his newly found partner a teenage girl (Tara Lynne Barr), who's age they never actually cover, on a murder rampage of people who are rude, ignorant or just bring down the morality of America.
There are many parts of this movie that make you smile, and Joel Murray really does do a great job playing that bitter person. It comes with a strong start and a great ending. Don't expect an A-List of celebrities in this. What I found most shocking about God Bless America, is that it was written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait! A name that really has not come up since the 80's. And to his credit, it is a good story, sadistic, but still good.
I one hundred percent recommend at least watching this movie. Out of all the odd recommendations that Netflix provides me, this has to be one of the best so far. Do take heed, this movie is for adults, I doubt I would even let a young teenage watch this. It takes some maturity to understand where they are coming from.
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