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What IWON is all about what is good to watch on Netflix. I help take the guesswork out of the movies and the comment system and give my own opinion in a nice simple blog form. No ADs with the simple goal: Good Movie Watching!
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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Loosing Control

Biophysics doctoral candidate Samantha has a detailed plan for a perfect life, but she's not totally convinced that her boyfriend, Ben, belongs in it.

Two more days of watching romantic movies, I may have to switch to some gory horror flicks after all this to wash it out of my system. Another entry into the Valentines Day quest is a witty and romantic one. I loved this movie. It was fun to watch, there was no big names to distract you with being star-struck. This movie is just good quality comedy and fun. It has a great story of loosing your love and rekindling that relationship, what other men are like and is your man the right one.

It does all of this in a good way. I am not going to talk about the movie much because the story is simple as it is explained. Samantha has been working on her exit out of Harvard, when she is asked to be married by her 5 year boyfriend. She refuses and does an experiment around what it is like to date other men. The movie revolves around her experiments and her main project she is working on for her thesis. It's a smart movie, but it is for anyone. I might actually recommend this as a main watch for the big day.